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Port Ellen 22 Jahre 1978 Rare Malts 60,5% Port Ellen 22 Jahre 1978 Rare Malts 60,5%
Port Ellen 1978, b.October 2000, 22 Jahre, limitiert - Flasche Nr. 5760, Rare Malts Selection, 60,50% vol, alc. / 70cl
Inhalt 0.7 Liter (2.855,71 € * / 1 Liter)
1.999,00 € *
Port Ellen 24 Jahre 1983/07 Douglas McGibbon Provenance The Final Vintage Port Ellen 24 Jahre 1983/07 Douglas McGibbon...
Port Ellen - 24 Jahre, Distilled Spring 1983 - bottled Autumn 2007 - The Finale Vintage, Douglas McGibbon - McGibbon's Provenance, Cask DMG Ref: 3977 46% vol. alc. / 70cl.
Inhalt 0.7 Liter (998,57 € * / 1 Liter)
699,00 € *
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